Video Production Blog from Scorch London

Cute little balloon animals….go bad
September 12, 2009, 9:20 am
Filed under: Fun stuff | Tags: , ,

Just seen this from the very talented people at Superfad. To what extent is producing stuff like this controversial? Would you produce it for your client and put it on your company website, or would you raher play it safe and sanitise your public image? It wouldn’t be allowed on TV for fear of offending someone. But, for what it’s worth, everyone who I’ve shown it to thinks it’s delightful and funny and all the things you’d expect from a viral ad.

Work like this reminds me of the time someone phoned up from an ‘adult accessories’ store wanting a funky animation of their funky ‘products’, which turned out to be a load of strange looking rubber items which were recognisable only by the shape of hole they would fit into! The question is, would we have put the finished piece on our website and showreel had we won the job (which we didn’t)? …I don’t think we would have; are we prudes? Or are we worried our clients may be offended? I guess it’s a bit like swearing in front of your girlfriends parents…we all know everyone swears..sometimes..a bit (don’t they?), but familiarity has to set in before you know the boundaries. Putting work like this on your website is like swearing at your mother-in-law at your first meeting. She could get offended, but then there’s every chance she’ll just laugh and love you more for it. I’m in the latter camp about Superfad, I think they’re great.